Truffles are undoubtedly becoming the ‘in’ food for 2017. That’s my prediction. Fans are developing everywhere but especially in Calcutta, which seems to have more devoted foodies following the latest food trends and genuine gourmets than anywhere else in India! For vegetarians, truffles represent a caviar of sorts — a delectable, exotic-tasting condiment, which represents the good life. Truffles have been made famous by the French and by the northern Italians from Alba, where the most expensive white ones come from. I thought Tuscany was full of Renaissance magic, rolling hills and olive groves. I hadn’t heard about the all-year-round crop of truffles. They differ from season to season in size and intensity but they are 100 per cent the real deal. So here’s a collage of four days I spent in Tuscany, learning about the tuber, tasting truffle products and discovering the best wine and local food as we went along.